Girl Lifted 100ft Into Sky After Getting Caught On Kite

little girl caught on kite

A shocking video has emerged showing a young girl being pulled at least 100 feet up into the air after getting caught on a giant kite.

The three-year-old toddler, only identified by the surname Lin, became entangled in an orange kite during a festival in the seaside town of Nanlioao, Taiwan on Sunday, August 30.

Footage of the event shared on social media shows the young girl being swung around by the long-tailed kite before a crowd of people rushed to her aid when they realised what was happening.


You can watch what happened below:



Posted by 跟著Via趣旅行~Part II on Sunday, August 30, 2020

According to local media reports, the kite was accidentally sent flying when a sudden gust of wind hit, sending it up into the air prematurely.

Prior to liftoff, the torso of the three-year-old girl had somehow become entangled in the kite and she was instantly whipped into the air when it lifted off the ground.


Chen Ko-Fang, secretary-general of the Taiwan-based Asian Kite Forum, told Taiwan News the kite was supposed to carry candy that would be scattered in the sky for children to catch.

Ko-Fang said that while children would usually be kept at a distance until the kite was airborne, organisers did not expect the sudden strong gust of wind, which reportedly measured a level seven on the Beaufort scale.

young girl caught in

As horrified festival-goers looked on, the toddler soared above the crowd, hanging from the edge of the kite in a precarious position and being repeatedly tossed around as onlookers stared helplessly into the sky.


A social media post by someone who had witnessed the incident urged parents to ‘be careful’ when bringing their children to the Hsinchu Kite Festival, adding that ‘everyone at the scene was almost scared to death’.

‘It really happened in an instant,’ the person continued (translated to English). ‘So people with children must pay attention to it!! The video is a bit scary, please pay attention.’

The witness added that while the child was ‘currently conscious and has no visible trauma’, she was taken away by her parents and festival staff ‘for treatment’.

girl caught on kite flies into

The young girl spent at least 30 seconds being thrown around in the air before finally falling close enough to the ground so that a group of festival-goers could pull her to safety.

The group appeared to catch her in their arms before freeing her from the kite and gathering around her to make sure she was okay.

Incredibly, the three-year-old managed to escape serious injury, with officials telling Taiwan News she only suffered mild scratches to her face and neck.

girl caught on kite flies into

The city government, which organised the festival, called off the event shortly after the incident, with Mayor Lin Chih-Chien later apologising.

‘The city government team offers its sincere apology to the victim and the public,’ the mayor said, before adding that the authorities were launching an investigation into the incident to prevent the accident from happening again in the future.

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