Avoid purchasing these types of shrimp as they are of poor quality.
Spot These Shrimp at the Market? Don’t Buy Them No Matter How Cheap!
Although shrimp are highly nutritious and offer many health benefits, poor-quality shrimp not only lack flavor but can also harm your health. If you encounter these types of shrimp at the market, it’s best to steer clear, no matter how inexpensive they are.
1. Shrimp with Loose or Detached Heads
Shrimp with a darkened or loose connection between the head and body—or heads that are about to fall off—are no longer fresh. Even if they’re dirt cheap, avoid buying them. Instead, opt for shrimp with intact shells and firmly attached heads, ensuring they’re fresh and in good condition.
Fresh shrimp typically have a bright, vibrant appearance and a mild, oceanic scent. Shrimp that look dull, grayish, or emit an unpleasant odor are likely spoiled. No matter how cheap they are, consuming such shrimp can harm your health.
2. Shrimp with Straight BodiesFrozen shrimp can be categorized into two types: flash-frozen live shrimp and frozen dead shrimp. There’s a significant difference between the two. Shrimp that were flash-frozen while alive retain elasticity in their muscles, allowing their bodies to remain curved. On the other hand, frozen dead shrimp lose elasticity and their bodies straighten out. When buying frozen shrimp, always go for those with curved bodies rather than straight ones.
3. Shrimp with Unusual OdorsWhether fresh or frozen, shrimp should only have a faintly fishy scent without any off-putting odors. If the shrimp smell sour, rotten, or chemically pungent, they’ve either spoiled, are contaminated with bacteria, or have been soaked in harmful chemicals. Avoid purchasing these shrimp at all costs.
How to Choose Fresh, High-Quality Shrimp
Fresh shrimp have slightly curved bodies and firm, elastic meat. They don’t have to be large, but their meat should feel naturally firm. Choose shrimp with intact shells. The head and legs should be firmly attached to the body. Fresh shrimp shells should be shiny, smooth, and translucent along the back. Avoid shrimp with blackened legs, as this is a sign of spoilage. Check the shrimp’s tail to assess freshness. Fresh shrimp have tails that are tightly closed and curled. If the tail is splayed out, it could indicate that the shrimp were injected with chemicals or water to make them appear plump. These shrimp often release excessive water during cooking, leading to shrunken, mushy meat with bland flavor.