Candace Owens blames ‘pea-brained’ LeBron James and BLM for the Saturday night ambush of two LA sheriffs after ‘stirring up anti-police sentiment’

Conservative author and activist Candace Owens has accused ‘pea-brained’ LeBron James of stirring up hatred that led to the shooting of two Los Angeles sheriffs on Saturday.

With the two deputies fighting for their lives following the ambush, Owens, 31, said the outspoken basketball superstar bore responsibility for the attack.  

‘Why does this happen? Because pea-brained celebrities that are idolized like @KingJames tell young black men that they are “literally being hunted”,’ she said, referencing a May 6 tweet in which James responded to the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. 

‘This is the natural result of such hyperbolic, dishonest rhetoric. The racist, anti-police, black lives matter LIE is to blame.’

Candace Owens, 31, told her 2.6 million Twitter followers LeBron James bore responsibility

The Ohio-born basketball superstar has been outspoken in his support for Black Lives Matter

Owens said the shooting of two LA sheriffs was ‘the natural result’ of James and BLM’s words

James tweeted in May that black people in the United States were being ‘literally hunted’

Owens also told her 2.6 million followers that Black Lives Matter, and athletes and entertainers who back the movement, were to blame.

She criticized them for putting the name of Jacob Blake on their shirts, after he was shot in the back by police officers on August 23. Blake in July was accused of sexually assaulting his ex-girlfriend, the mother of his three children. On September 4 he pleaded not guilty.

Owens wrongly said he was ‘an alleged rapist’.

‘Why else does this happen? Because when pea-brained athletes put the name of an alleged RAPIST on their helmets and jerseys, criminals begin believing they are acting as heroes,’ she continued. 


James, 35, who has 47.3 million followers on Twitter, has not responded.

The vehemently pro-Trump commentator lashed out at James on Sunday on Twitter

Owens also falsely alluded to Jacob Blake, shot by Wisconsin police, as being ‘an alleged rapist’

LA County sheriffs said that the entrances to the hospital where the injured officers were taken was being blocked by protesters.

‘To the protesters blocking the entrance & exit of the HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM yelling “We hope they die” referring to 2 LA Sheriff’s ambushed today in #Compton: DO NOT BLOCK EMERGENCY ENTRIES & EXITS TO THE HOSPITAL. People’s lives are at stake when ambulances can’t get through,’ the tweeted. 

On Sunday police in Los Angeles were continuing to search for a black man, aged 28-30, who walked up to the two deputies in their car at 6:58pm, in Compton, and shot them at close range.

One of the deputies, only identified as a 31-year-old mother of a 6-year-old boy, was shot in the jaw and arms, and is critical but stable condition.

The other deputy, a 24-year-old man, was struck by gunfire in the forehead, an arm and a hand. He is described as alert. 

Neither of their names have been released to the public.

On Sunday the LA county sheriffs office tweeted about the protests outside the hospital 

Video released by the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department shows the moment that male suspect opened fire on two deputies at a Compton bus station

A gunman in Compton, LA, on Saturday evening shot two deputies sitting in their patrol car

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