4 Power-Hungry ‘Electricity Monsters’ in Your Home—Most People Are Shocked by How True This Is
4 Power-Hungry ‘Electricity Monsters’ in Your Home—Most People Are Shocked by How True This Is
The following household appliances are common in almost every home, yet many people are unaware of how much energy they consume.
In today’s modern households, electrical appliances play a crucial role in reducing labor, saving time, and improving the quality of life. Some even contribute to better health and convenience. However, using multiple devices simultaneously can result in soaring electricity bills.
A recent report from Aboluowang highlights four of the biggest energy-draining appliances in your home. Many users don’t realize how much electricity these devices consume, making it essential to use them wisely to avoid unnecessary energy waste.
1. Air Conditioner
Topping the list is the air conditioner. Designed to cool rooms in summer and, in the case of two-way AC units, provide warmth in winter, air conditioners have become essential year-round. However, they are also one of the biggest energy consumers.
Experts emphasize that if the AC isn’t properly turned off when not in use, a significant amount of electricity is wasted. Most households simply use the remote control to switch off the unit, which puts it in “standby mode” rather than shutting it down completely.
Over time, this not only leads to energy waste but also reduces the lifespan of the AC unit due to prolonged standby operation. To prevent this, users should unplug the unit or switch off the circuit breaker after turning it off with the remote. However, avoid doing this abruptly—wait a few minutes before disconnecting the power.
2. TV and Digital Set-Top Box
Next on the list are televisions and digital set-top boxes, which are household staples. Similar to air conditioners, simply turning them off with the remote doesn’t fully cut power—they remain in standby mode.
During bad weather, particularly thunderstorms, plugged-in TVs and set-top boxes are at high risk of electrical surges and short circuits. Experts recommend unplugging these devices completely when they are not in use.
To do this safely, turn off the TV with the remote first, wait 10-15 minutes for it to cool down, and then unplug it. Never skip the remote power-off step and unplug it immediately, as this could damage the internal circuit board.
3. Phone Chargers and Other Electronic Device Cables
Many households leave phone chargers and electronic device cables (such as tablet and gaming console chargers) plugged in, even when not in use. While this may seem harmless, it actually results in a significant amount of energy waste.
Low-quality chargers, in particular, degrade over time and can overheat, potentially leading to dangerous electrical fires. Because they are continuously connected to power, their internal temperature remains high, increasing the risk of malfunction.
For families with young children, plugged-in chargers pose an additional safety hazard, as curious kids may touch or interact with them. To prevent these risks, always unplug chargers when they are not in use and store them safely in drawers or designated areas.
4. Bathroom Appliances
The final category includes bathroom appliances such as hairdryers, water heaters, and, in some households, washing machines and clothes dryers. To make them more convenient, many people leave these devices plugged in at all times, keeping them in a constant “ready-to-use” state.
However, bathrooms are high-moisture environments, with water vapor lingering in the air and even pooling in certain areas. Keeping electrical devices continuously connected not only wastes energy but also increases the risk of electrical hazards.
In addition to unplugging or switching off circuit breakers when not in use, experts recommend using high-quality insulation for bathroom appliances, especially those placed near water sources. This ensures both energy efficiency and safety.
Final Tip: Unplug Unused Devices When Away for Long Periods
Experts further advise that if your family is away from home for several days, you should turn off the main circuit breaker or unplug most electrical devices—except for the refrigerator or freezer if they contain perishable food.
Doing so not only conserves energy but also helps protect your home from potential electrical hazards.
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