Cheap but few people eat
Types of Fish with Nutritional Value Comparable to Ginseng and Bird’s Nest – Affordable Yet Overlooked
The Benefits of Eating Fish
Fish is an excellent source of high-quality protein, which helps maintain and develop muscles, supports organ functions, and improves circulation. Protein also plays a vital role in cell regeneration, promotes hair growth, and assists in hormone production.
Additionally, fish provides iodine, an essential mineral that the body cannot produce on its own. Iodine is crucial for thyroid function, helps regulate appetite, and enhances immune system performance.
Nutrient-Rich and Budget-Friendly Fish
1. Carp
According to traditional Eastern medicine, carp has a sweet taste and a neutral nature. It is rich in protein and vitamins and is believed to help treat coughs, asthma, reduce swelling, and improve digestion.
Due to its high nutritional value and cooling properties, carp is highly favored by pregnant women for its health benefits. Additionally, those suffering from fluid retention, diarrhea, jaundice, urinary retention, or pregnancy-related edema are advised to include carp in their diet.
2. Bighead Carp
Bighead carp is a common, affordable fish with high nutritional value. Every 100g of bighead carp contains:
- 15.3g protein
- 2.2g fat
- 82mg calcium
- 18mg phosphorus
- 0.8mg iron
- 229mg potassium
- 4.7g carbohydrates
- Essential vitamins like B1, B2, E, and Nicotinic acid
According to traditional medicine, bighead carp is warm in nature and has a sweet taste, making it highly beneficial for those suffering from headaches, dizziness, excessive phlegm, high blood pressure, joint pain, kidney deficiency, digestive issues, or limb swelling.
3. Pomfret
Pomfret, particularly white pomfret, is not only delicious but also highly nutritious. Each 100g of pomfret contains:
- 19.4g protein
- 75.2g water
- 5.4g fat
- 1.1g ash
- 185mg phosphorus
- 0.6mg iron
- 145mg sodium
- 263mg potassium
- 15mg calcium
- Vitamins A, B1, B2, C, and PP
Thanks to its rich nutrients, pomfret helps restore health, making it particularly beneficial for those experiencing fatigue and weakness. It also supports the immune system and helps with flu recovery.
4. Small Mud Carp
Small mud carp is a freshwater fish commonly found in rural areas and is very affordable. It is packed with:
- Protein
- Calcium
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Selenium
- Healthy fats
The soft texture of small mud carp makes it easy to digest, making it an excellent choice for children, the elderly, and individuals with digestive issues. Additionally, it helps increase blood supply and supports stomach health.
5. Herring
Herring is a mild-flavored fish with white, low-fat meat, making it easy to consume. It is particularly rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which:
- Support brain development
- Improve cognitive function
- Promote heart health
- Regulate blood pressure
6. Mackerel
Mackerel is highly nutritious and cost-effective, providing:
- Omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce joint pain and inflammation
- Essential nutrients that boost immunity
With its affordability and health benefits, mackerel is a great addition to any diet, promoting overall well-being and disease prevention.
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