Don't rush to throw away the foam
Steamers are not only used to wrap goods but also have other great uses
1. Chopping board lining
When you cut food, the cutting board surface is flat and slippery, so it is easy to slip, if you are not careful you can easily cut your hand. At this time, you just need to put a steamer pad under the bottom of the cutting board to prevent slipping, making the cutting process easier. In addition, this steamer pad also helps to reduce noise effectively, when you chop or chop food, it will limit loud noise.
2. Knives storage
The knives in the kitchen are very sharp, if you are not careful you can easily cut your hand, if there are small children in the house you need to pay more attention. For knives that are rarely used, you should use this steam cleaner to wrap them and put them away. Doing so will prevent the knife from coming into contact with the outside air, both preventing rust and ensuring safety.
3. Cleaning
When the sink is yellow or dirty, use this steam cleaner to clean it. Just turn the bubbles upside down, these bubbles will create friction to help clean dirt quickly. If you want to increase the effectiveness, you can add detergent.
4. Reduce stress
According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), popping the foam capsules of bubble bath helps reduce stress, creating a feeling of relaxation and comfort for the human mind. People who often pop bubble baths are less tired and even more energetic because this action belongs to the category of "spiritual relaxation techniques".
5. Soothe tired feet
Regular foot massage is the best way to help you reduce foot fatigue after a long day of walking or standing. Just cut the steamer into the shape of a shoe and use it as a shoe insole, you have a simple massage therapy, helping tired feet to relax effectively.
6. Prevent fruit from turning purple
Fruit can become wrinkled and turn purple if left in the refrigerator for a long time. To prevent this, you can simply use a sheet of bubble wrap to wrap the fruit or line the refrigerator compartment where you store the fruit.
7. Keep drinks or frozen food cold
Not everyone owns a dedicated cooler. If you are going out for some outdoor activities such as picnics and camping, you can simply use bubble wrap to keep drinks cold. This is especially useful if you are going out on hot days. In addition, you can use bubble wrap to keep cold foods and even ice containers cold.
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