Even if they are given for free, you shouldn't take them
Garlic is a familiar spice that is almost indispensable in delicious daily dishes of families. Garlic contains many nutritional values that are very beneficial to human health. Below are the signs you should avoid when selecting garlic, as they are either of lower quality or do not last long.
1. Garlic cloves separate widely from the bulb
Garlic bulbs with widely separated cloves, tearing off even the outer protective skin, often catch the buyer’s eye because they reveal plump cloves and seem easy to peel. However, if you intend to store garlic for a long time, you should not choose this type. Without the protective outer layer, they are more prone to mold, oxidation, or sprouting.
Choose garlic bulbs where the cloves are still tightly connected and firmly attached to the stem, with a thick outer skin covering them. This will help limit exposure to harmful environmental factors, slow down oxidation, and extend their shelf life.
2. Soft garlic cloves
When buying garlic, it is important to feel each clove with your hands. Cloves that feel mushy when pressed are definitely spoiled. However, even if the cloves and the entire bulb feel soft, not firm, and do not feel solid in your hand, you should not buy them in large quantities. This type of garlic quickly becomes moldy, shrinks over time, and significantly loses quality.
3. Wrinkled, soft outer skin
This type of garlic may have been harvested and dried using traditional methods but was not sun-dried adequately, leaving the outer skin feeling moist. Because it is still relatively fresh, this garlic does not have a strong aroma and tends to mold quickly when stored for a long time.
Another possible reason is that the garlic was harvested too early before it had fully matured. Improper drying and storage cause the cloves to lack firmness, leading to soft and wrinkled outer skin.
If you purchase this type of garlic and want to store it for a long time, expose it to sunlight for a few more days until it is completely dry. Then, place it in a basket or mesh bag and store it in a well-ventilated area.
4. Garlic that is too white
Garlic bulbs that are overly white with large, plump cloves often attract consumers. However, these are usually garlic imported from China. Their distinguishing features are that they are easy to separate and peel, making them very convenient to use. However, their nutritional content is significantly lower. As a result, their flavor is not as rich or aromatic as purple-skinned garlic.
This type of garlic is often preferred by restaurants and those cooking in large quantities because it is quick to prepare. However, for home cooking, it is wiser to choose local garlic, especially purple-skinned varieties.
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