90% people do not know how to distinguish between male and fem.ale peaches. Which one is better to buy?
With just a few small notes, you can choose fresh, delicious and sweet peaches to make peach tea, peach jam.
Peaches are a very popular fruit, used to make different dishes such as peach tea, pickled peaches, peach jam...
Peaches provide a lot of vitamins, water and minerals for the body. In addition, it also has many health benefits such as helping to regulate sleep, good for the immune system, enhancing memory,...
In the months when peaches are ripe, peaches will be sweet, containing the most delicious flavor. To choose such delicious peaches, you need to pay attention to the following 3 points!
Choose male peaches to be delicious
Normally, perhaps no one knows which is a male peach and which is a female peach. But growers say, look at the bulging part of the top of the peach. If a peach has a large, protruding top, it is called a male fruit. These fruits are very juicy and sweet. If it is naturally ripened, it is even sweeter. We can buy it with confidence.
The peach on the left is a male, so choose this one because it is extremely delicious.
Observe the skin
When buying peaches, you should choose peaches with a dark red skin mixed with yellow-green, and no bruises around the peach.
For peaches with hair, you should choose peaches with an even layer of hair on the outside, no hairs falling off, and fresh, undamaged stems.
As for smooth peaches, you should not choose peaches that are too shiny, because those peaches have been picked up by many people, sometimes they will accidentally bruise a few small parts of the skin that you have not seen.
Smell the aroma of peaches
A ripe peach will have a characteristic light aroma, when eaten, the peach is very juicy, has a delicious taste, slightly sweet and sour.
Check the crispness
There is nothing difficult about choosing delicious, crispy peaches. When you pick up a peach, you will see that the peach is round and firm, and when you press it lightly, the fruit is not soft.
Soft peaches are those that have been left for a long time or are overripe, when eaten they will no longer be crispy, have a delicious sweet and sour taste.
To choose peaches to soak, you should choose peaches with hair, red-yellow color, and hard fruit so that after soaking, the peaches will be crispy, fragrant and delicious.
How to preserve peaches
Peaches are one of the fruits that are very easy to preserve. When you preserve peaches at room temperature, they can be used for 2-3 days, and when stored in the refrigerator, they can be used for nearly a week.
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