Tips 21/02/2025 10:45

Leave this in your house to k i l l all the ants

- K i l l ants with peanut butter

Peanut butter is a food with an attractive aroma and fatty taste. You can use it to attract and kill ants.

Prepare peanut butter, borax, baking soda, a bowl and a spoon to mix. Note that borax can be toxic to humans and pets if eaten in large quantities. Therefore, make sure to do this when there are no children or pets in the house.

Put a tablespoon of peanut butter, half a teaspoon of borax, a little baking soda in a bowl and mix well. Peanut butter attracts ants, baking soda and borax will kill ants.

Identify the ant nest and the ant path, divide the mixture into small pieces of paper, cardboard or containers and place them in those locations.

Ants will be attracted by the aroma of peanut butter. They will carry the bait back to the nest. Ants that eat this bait will be poisoned. This method helps eliminate the entire ant colony.

You can also make your own ant trap in another way. Choose a shallow, smooth-surfaced container (such as a disposable plate, a box lid, or cardboard). Apply a small amount of peanut butter to the center of the plate to attract ants to the food. Then, apply a layer of petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline) to the surface of the plate so that the ants will stick to it when they find the peanut butter. Place this trap in areas where ants are concentrated, where ants often pass by. When you have caught enough ants, you can put the plate in the trash.

- K i l l ants with peppermint essential oil

Prepare a spray bottle. Fill the bottle 3/4 with clean water and add about 12 drops of peppermint essential oil. Shake well to mix the ingredients together, then spray the solution in areas with many ants.

Peppermint essential oil is very effective against ants.

Ants are characterized by using pheromones to communicate and navigate. Meanwhile, peppermint essential oil has the ability to disrupt that orientation and communication, causing ants to lose direction and not be able to communicate with each other.

- K i l l ants with cinnamon powder

Cinnamon powder has a natural aroma, used a lot in cooking. You can also use cinnamon to kill ants.

Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde, which has the effect of creating a sweet taste and pleasant aroma. This is an attractive flavor to humans but has the ability to kill ants.

Studies show that ants eating cinnamaldehyde will cause the nervous system to "short-circuit" and cannot continue to live. In addition, the aroma of cinnamon also makes ants unable to determine the direction.

You can sprinkle cinnamon powder in places where there are many ants. In addition, you can use cinnamon essential oil to repel ants, similar to the way you use peppermint essential oil.

- K i l l ants with b a b y powder

As mentioned above, ants use pheromones to determine direction and find food. Talcum powder works to eliminate the scent of pheromones produced by ants. Simply apply talcum powder to the ants’ trail. They will be confused because they can no longer find the traces left by other ants. In addition, any talcum powder that ants bring back to the nest will also disrupt the animals’ ability to follow their scent.

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