Tips 21/03/2025 13:58

Snails are destroying your garden and you can't catch them with your hands. Try these 5 extremely effective methods right away.

Snails are leaf-eating animals, especially young green leaves, and they lay eggs very quickly when it rains. Snails often crawl out to eat at night and can destroy vegetable gardens very quickly in just a few days. Here are some simple tips that can "wipe out" this pest from your garden.

1. Use lime powder

This method is very simple, sprinkle a thin layer of lime powder on the surface of the soil, and the snails will be quickly destroyed.

2. Use crushed eggshells, coffee grounds

Nếu tận dụng được nhiều vỏ trứng, hãy rắc vỏ trứng đã nghiền nhỏ xung quanh cây trồng . Ốc sên sẽ không bò qua được lớp vỏ trứng để hại cây. Cách làm tương tự đối với bã cà phê. Vỏ trứng và bã cà phê cũng sẽ cung cấp chất dinh dưỡng cho đất trồng.

If you have a lot of eggshells, sprinkle crushed eggshells around your plants. Snails will not be able to crawl through the eggshells to harm your plants. Do the same with coffee grounds. Eggshells and coffee grounds will also provide nutrients to the soil.

3. Use orange peels to trap snails

Sử dụng vỏ cam đặt xung quanh rìa hộp xốp hoặc quanh vườn (miễn là cách xa cây trồng) để thu hút ốc sên, bạn sẽ dễ dàng bắt sống được cả đám phá hoại cây trong vườn rau nhà mình.

Use orange peels placed around the edge of the styrofoam box or around the garden (as long as they are far from the plants) to attract snails, you will easily catch the whole group that destroys the plants in your vegetable garden.

4. Use beer, honey

Draft beer or honey are both effective "weapons" to trap snails. First, bury a cup or bowl (can or plastic bottle is also fine) with a large mouth in the ground so that the mouth of the cup or bowl is level with the soil and fill it with beer or honey.

Mùi thơm của bia và mật ong sẽ khiến lũ ốc sên bò ngay đến và rơi vào bẫy. Sáng sớm hôm sau bạn chỉ việc đi thu gom và tiêu diệt chúng.
The aroma of beer and honey will attract snails and make them fall into the trap. Early the next morning, you just need to collect and destroy them.




5. Use hibiscus leaves

You can cut hibiscus branches with many young and green leaves, place the branches on the terrace as bait for snails. Snails love to eat hibiscus leaves so they will gather there. All you have to do is collect both the branches and snails in the trash.

It should also be noted that when growing vegetables on the terrace and seeing snails appear, clean the garden thoroughly to kill the snails in time. You should clean the terrace floor, rearrange the foam boxes, plastic plant boxes, and immediately clean up the hiding places of snails under the boxes. If you have time, you can till the soil to make the plants grow well, and catch the snails right after tilling the soil.

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