There are 3 types of fish that cannot be artificially raised.
If you are wondering which type of fish to buy that is of good quality and naturally caught, here is the best suggestion.
Speaking of fish that contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins, and minerals, the first is anchovies and buyers can rest assured, because this is a fish that lives in saltwater, has a short life cycle, so it is often sold after being caught, not kept in captivity, and not fed things that can be harmful to health. In July 2019, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also ranked anchovies on the list of the best fish.
Tilapia is a fast-growing freshwater fish that can withstand high temperatures and is easy to adapt, loved by many people because of its delicious taste and rich nutrition. However, tilapia also faces the challenge of not being able to be artificially raised. First of all, tilapia is a large herbivorous fish, whose main food is aquatic plants and plankton. However, it is difficult to provide sufficient aquatic plant supply in artificial breeding environment, which makes it difficult to solve the feeding problem of tilapia in artificial breeding.
Second, tilapia has a unique breeding method and requires certain natural environmental conditions for successful breeding. In the process of artificial breeding, it is difficult to simulate the environment that meets the breeding needs of tilapia, so it is difficult to breed.
Although tilapia is difficult to breed artificially, it is rich in high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids and minerals, and is a nutritious fish. Tilapia is tender and rich in high-quality protein, which helps promote muscle growth and maintain tissue repair. In addition, tilapia is also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.
Small yellow croaker
Small yellow croaker is a famous delicious seafood with soft meat and unique delicious flavor. However, there are mainly two reasons why small yellow croaker is difficult to breed artificially. First of all, small yellow croaker is a migratory fish with a complex life history and needs to migrate frequently between rivers and oceans. Artificial breeding cannot provide a suitable migratory environment, so small yellow croaker cannot complete its natural reproduction and development.
Second, the food chain of small yellow croaker is relatively complex, its diet is very rich, and it needs to rely on a large amount of plankton and small benthic animals. This makes it unable to meet the diverse food needs in captivity, leading to growth restriction.
Although small yellow croaker is difficult to breed artificially, it is rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids and multivitamins, which is of great significance to human health. It is a low-fat, high-protein fish that promotes muscle growth, strengthens the immune system and improves cardiovascular health.
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