Health 22/03/2025 08:54

When sleeping, is it better to lie on the left or right side? The two positions actually have a big difference that has a significant impact on health.

Lying on your side is a familiar sleeping position for most people. So have you ever wondered whether sleeping on your left or right side is better? In fact, each position has its own advantages and disadvantages, but overall, scientists have proven that sleeping on your left side will bring more benefits.

Meanwhile, sleeping on your right side brings quite a few certain harmful effects on health. So what are the benefits of sleeping on your left side?

Good for heart function

Khi ngủ chúng ta nên nằm nghiêng bên trái hay phải thì tốt hơn? 2 tư thế thực chất có sự khác biệt lớn ảnh hưởng không nhỏ tới sức khỏe - Ảnh 1.

Experts confirm that sleeping on the left side is good for heart function because in this position, the heart works more effectively, helping blood circulate better. Sleeping on the left side has the effect of reducing the pressure of the peripheral circulatory system on the heart. Thanks to that, the heart's pumping of blood to nourish different organs in the body is also done more easily.

Avoid gastric reflux

The left side sleeping position has been proven to help reduce gastric reflux. When you lie on your left side, the stomach is also in the right position to keep food from flowing up and out of the esophageal valve.

Reduce heartburn

Gastroesophageal reflux also leads to another problem: heartburn, bad breath and sometimes chest pain. This phenomenon is especially easy to occur when lying down right after eating. To prevent it, the simplest way is to choose the remaining common position - lying on your left side.

Reduce snoring when sleeping

Snoring not only affects the quality of sleep but also causes inconvenience to people around. Sleeping on the left side is one of the simple and effective measures to reduce snoring. The reason is that when lying on the left side, the tongue tends to fall back to the throat, compressing the airway - the mechanism that forms snoring sound when sleeping. Lying on the left side when sleeping is a position that helps maintain the tongue in a neutral position, clearing the airway.

Better for preg.nant women

Khi ngủ chúng ta nên nằm nghiêng bên trái hay phải thì tốt hơn? 2 tư thế thực chất có sự khác biệt lớn ảnh hưởng không nhỏ tới sức khỏe - Ảnh 3.

Pregnant women need to pay attention to their sleeping position to ensure the baby is healthy and the mother is comfortable. Doctors have long advised pregnant women to sleep on their left side, because this position helps increase blood flow and provide maximum oxygen for both mother and child.

Avoid lying on your stomach as much as possible

However, lying on the left side is good, but that does not mean we should sleep on our left side all the time. The body still needs to change positions regularly to create the most comfort possible. But no matter what, the worst sleeping position should be avoided as much as possible, which is lying on your stomach.

Khi ngủ chúng ta nên nằm nghiêng bên trái hay phải thì tốt hơn? 2 tư thế thực chất có sự khác biệt lớn ảnh hưởng không nhỏ tới sức khỏe - Ảnh 4.

According to experts, sleeping on your back and lying flat with extra pillows will help reduce pressure and body weight on the spine throughout the night. Sleeping in the wrong position, especially lying on your stomach, can cause chronic back pain.

Khi ngủ chúng ta nên nằm nghiêng bên trái hay phải thì tốt hơn? 2 tư thế thực chất có sự khác biệt lớn ảnh hưởng không nhỏ tới sức khỏe - Ảnh 5.

When lying on your stomach, you cannot breathe without turning your head and neck to one side. Therefore, this lying position will cause people to have chronic neck problems such as cervical spondylosis. The cervical vertebrae and spine are not aligned, causing damage to the discs and causing chronic pain. In addition, lying on your stomach a lot also puts pressure on the chest, causing the skin to deteriorate faster due to close contact with bacteria on the pillow and many other harmful effects.

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