14 hours before

The way to distinguish naturally ripened tomatoes

Tomatoes are a very common food in family meals. Nowadays, to stimulate ripe and beautiful tomatoes, many suppliers choose to spray chemicals on tomatoes. However, this action is very dangerous to human health. Be careful to recognize naturally ripened tomatoes, without chemicals, to protect your family's health.

How to recognize naturally ripened tomatoes, without chemicals

Forcibly ripened tomatoes will usually ripen the entire fruit. Even in the same area, where there is little exposure to sunlight, they will ripen abnormally red.

Forced ripened tomatoes will usually ripen the entire fruit. Even in the same area, where there is little exposure to sunlight, they will ripen abnormally red.

To distinguish between naturally ripened tomatoes and chemically ripened tomatoes, you need to pay attention to observe and feel the following factors:

+ Observe the color

Although chemically ripened tomatoes look very similar to normal tomatoes, we can still see a difference in color.

With naturally ripened tomatoes, due to the sunlight shining on them from the beginning during the fruit's development, the color on a fruit is also completely even. The near-top area will be slightly green and gradually ripen towards the bottom.

Meanwhile, forced ripened tomatoes will usually be fully ripe. Even in the bottom area, where there is little exposure to sunlight, they will be abnormally red.

+ Look at the bottom of the tomato

This is also a "key" to distinguish between natural tomatoes and those treated with chemicals or fakes. Tomatoes that are round, plump and have a slightly concave tip are usually tomatoes with a good growing environment and are naturally ripened.

On the other hand, tomatoes with flaky heads or oddly shaped fruits are most likely due to improper fertilization, poor growing conditions, or tomatoes that have been ripened with chemicals.

+ Observe the tomato nipple

Tomatoes with dark green nipples, fresh, tight nipple branches, and slightly concave ends are naturally ripe, fresh tomatoes.

Meanwhile, if the fruit has a yellow or brown nipple, it is a low-quality tomato. It has been treated with chemicals or may be old tomatoes, stored for days.

+ Check the weight of tomatoes

In addition to checking by eye, you can also use your hand to check the weight of the tomato and decide. Naturally ripened tomatoes will often be denser so they will be heavier. When holding them in your hand, you will definitely feel that naturally ripened tomatoes are soft, while tomatoes that are forced to ripen will often be hard, if pressed to get the juice, it will definitely be harder to squeeze. If you proceed to cut the fruit, you will definitely notice that inside the naturally ripened tomato there are often many seeds, the seeds are old and often have an earthy yellow color. Meanwhile, the seeds of the forced ripened tomato are often few and green.

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