Heartwarming Moment Lost Baby Goat Was Reunited With Its Mum

baby goat reunited with mum 1KD Arceo/YouTube

It’s Monday morning, which can mean only one thing: we all need cheering up and the only way that can be done is with some form of cute animal content.


Meet Shawarma D. Goat, a lost kid found in the Philippines that was later reunited with his mum after an entire 24 hours. And yes, it is as cute as you’re imagining it to be.

Ken Arceo and his family took the baby goat in for the evening after finding the animal trapped in a pit, before finding its herd in a secluded part of their village around 15 minutes away from their home.

You can watch the moment Shawarma is reunited with his family below:


The family stumbled upon the kid completely randomly, with Ken’s sister initially believing she was playing ‘who can shout the loudest’ with another child near their home. However, upon looking for the source of the sound, she came across Shawarma trapped inside a three-foot deep pit.

After rescuing him from the pit, she checked the animal over to see if he had sustained any injuries before searching the area for any sign of his potential owners. She then took him home when she realised he was by himself.

Ken took care of the goat overnight, searching the internet for information about how best to look after the animal to help get him through the night. ‘[I] learned that they are sensitive to cold and are not deep sleepers, so I slept beside him to give him body heat,’ he explained.

Shawarma’s rescuer also woke up every two hours between 8pm and 4am to give the goat milk, after realising he was hungry when he ‘kept nibbling on [his] shirt’.

baby goat reunited with mumViralHog

Despite taking to his new parental duties like a pro, Ken knew he couldn’t keep the baby goat and began planning his return home the next morning. ‘We tried to check with our neighbours who might be the owner but no one was claiming him, so we decided to explore around the area,’ he added.

But instead of finding a human owner, Ken and his family found a herd of goats just after 5pm. Immediately, he noticed the animals had the same white fur above their heads like Shawarma and decided to place the kid on the floor to see what happened next.

Ken explained:


To our surprise, the herd didn’t flee and kept on creating noise, while Shawarma was giving out little screams – although it seems he still didn’t see the herd of goats.

Upon seeing the herd, he let out one long and loud scream and ran to the direction of the herd. One goat, who we believe is his mother, came running in his direction too, leading to the video I’ve captured.

baby goat reunited with herdViralHog

After being reunited, the goats moved away from the area, climbing the high terrain together until they were out of the family’s sights.

‘It was a very heartwarming and really fulfilling experience for me and my family,’ Ken said of the moment they reunited. ‘I hope it inspires people to help any animal or person they see who are in need unconditionally.’

I’m not crying, you are.

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Link nguồn : https://www.unilad.co.uk/animals/heartwarming-moment-lost-baby-goat-was-reunited-with-its-mum