Professional repairman gives analysis
In the summer or on hot days, air conditioning is one of the cooling devices used by many families at almost maximum capacity. To cool faster and deeper, in addition to temperature, the fan speed of the device cannot be ignored.
On a normal air conditioner, there will be 3-5 wind levels. So, is it more energy-efficient to turn on strong wind or light wind? Using air conditioners has been around for a long time, but not all users can answer this question correctly. There are even many people who misunderstand. Below is the analysis of a professional repairman.
Professional repairman gives analysis
According to a five-year air conditioner repairman, the stronger or higher the wind speed of the air conditioner, the faster the cold air from the air conditioner is released into the space. Then, the sensor on the air conditioner will automatically detect that the room temperature has reached the desired level as set by the user through the display. At this time, the air conditioner will begin to reduce its capacity and operate more slowly. "So it can be said that the stronger the fan speed on the air conditioner is, the shorter the time it takes to reach the desired temperature. This helps the family save more electricity," said the technician. On the contrary, turning on the fan at a low level, the gentle wind will spread the cold air from the device throughout the room over a longer period of time, more slowly, thereby consuming more electricity.
The repairman emphasized the effect of turning on the air conditioner fan at a high level
“When turning on the fan at a high level, users should adjust the fan direction so that it is directed directly at the human body. This will help limit the possibility of harm to health, especially for children or people with weak health,” the repairman added.
In addition, many others also pointed out a disadvantage when turning on the air conditioner fan at a high level, which is that the device will accidentally make a loud noise.
Therefore, it can be argued that turning on the air conditioner fan at a strong or high level is a way to save electricity when the user first starts the air conditioner. When feeling that the space has been cooled down sufficiently, users can consider adjusting the fan to a lower level, the wind blows more gently to protect the health of family members.
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