Home DIY  Here Are Some Portraits I Have Made Over The Past Few Years

Here Are Some Portraits I Have Made Over The Past Few Years

I’ve been an artist my whole life, and portraits were always a subject I focused on quite a lot, so here are some of the ones I’ve done in the past few years, although a lot of these are *not* my fave, I thought I’d share.

2021, age 20, self portrait with a twist: an emphasis on self perception amidst depression

2021, age 20, self portrait with a flower crown

2020, age 19, indian red pencil

2020, age 19, pencil drawing

2020, age 19, acrylic and watercolor

2018, age 17, oil painting of at the time boyfriend

2018, age 17, oil painting, an ocean girl

2018, age 17, charcoal self portrait

2018, age 17, scribble drawing of my friend Jacob

2018, age 17, from a photo of a little girl.