6 filling after-school snacks

Making homemade after-school snacks doesn’t have to involve a fancy recipe. Simply combine protein and carbs, along with a fruit or vegetable, and you’re all set.

The period between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. is both the busiest in many kids’ days and also the time when their hunger is most undeniable. (Just try denying it and watch a meltdown begin.) A lot of kids go from school to an extracurricular activity—soccer, ballet, violin lessons, tutoring, whatever—and will need a serious snack in between.

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after school snacks 1 / 6 Easy smoothie

Blend Greek yogurt, half a ripe banana, a handful of frozen berries and a splash of milk for a smoothie.


Read more: 8 great sweet and salty snack recipes 12 dairy-free snacks for kids 17 healthy packaged snacks for kids

FILED UNDER: Back to school Cooking with kids easy recipes easy snacks healthy eating snacks Super-easy recipes