Son Ye Jin reveals how difficult it is to do this after her son is born

Recently, on my personal page, Son Ye Jin posted pictures of daily meals prepared by themselves. Accompanied by a long article sharing about my current situation.

This is a rare time, Son Ye Jin has been on social media since giving birth to her first son. Hyun Bin’s wife said, “Everyone, long time no see. I should have posted more often, but it wasn’t easy. I will try harder in the future. It’s really hot today. I’m so scared of summer. Hope everyone will stay healthy from the hot sun and stay safe every day.”

Son Ye Jin reveals how difficult it is to do this after her son is born

Through Son Ye Jin’s share, many people think that since the birth of her first son, the actress rarely has time to hold the phone or surf social networks. Not only rarely posting on personal pages, netizens also observed that Son Ye Jin no longer often interacts or “drops her heart” on posts of close sisters.

Besides, netizens also expressed their interest in Son Ye Jin’s healthy and nutritious meal. The strict implementation of a healthy diet and sleep is also what helps Son Ye Jin soon regain her slim figure after only 5 months of giving birth to her first child.

According to the management company, this July, Son Ye Jin will leave for France to attend the fashion show of the high-end brand that the actress is the ambassador for. This is Son Ye Jin’s first business trip away from home since getting married and giving birth.