Jang Won Young for.cib.ly squeezes into the ‘Center’ position?

The popular girl group IVE’s member Jang Wonyoung has been the Center position since her days in the limited-time group IZ*ONE. However, recently, some netizens on online discussion boards have criticized Jang Wonyoung for having a “Center complex,” sparking a heated debate.


On the 15th, a netizen shared a post about IVE group member Jang Wonyoung on an online discussion forum, uploading a post titled “Center Position Disease”.

In the post, there are several dynamic pictures of IVE’s rankings. From the photos, it can be seen that Chang Yuanying often forces her way into the middle of the members or originally stands on the side, but insists on switching with the members to the middle position.

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In response to this, the author of the post stated that Jang Wonyoung’s “Center position disease” is an absolutely unchangeable habit. After reading this, some netizens agreed, commenting “This is really serious” and “I don’t hate Jang Wonyoung, but this is indeed a bit exaggerated”.

“It’s understandable that Jang Wonyoung wants to stand in the middle during the official performance sequence, but that airport photo is just too much. Was it really necessary?” “Wow, she completely ignores her teammates.”

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At the same time, many netizens who support Jang Wonyoung believe that “Jang Wonyoung is the center member so of course she should stand in the middle”, “Being in a girl group is tiring. If you’re a bit pretty, they say you have princess disease, if you’re cute they say you’re childish. Now even when the center member stands in the center, they are criticized for having the ‘center member syndrome'”.

“We’re just following the company’s instructions for ranking, what’s there to fight about?” “I really don’t understand why everyone dislikes Jang Wonyoung so much” “The ranking is strictly instructed by the company, Jang Wonyoung is just following orders, why create unnecessary conflicts?” These are some opposing views.