Add this to your rice when cooking for surprising benefits, especially during the chilly weather; not trying this would be a waste

Rice is a daily staple in most households, but many still cook it the old-fashioned way, by simply boiling rice with water, which is outdated.

Cooking rice seems simple, especially with the help of a rice cooker. However, cooking rice with just water and rice is too basic and old-fashioned. Cook it this way to ensure that your rice cooker produces much tastier rice. Especially when using cheaper rice with dry grains that aren’t very sticky, these tips below become essential for you.

Add a spoonful of cooking oil or chicken fat to the rice cooker


Before plugging in the rice cooker, add a bit of lard, chicken fat, or cooking oil. If using cooking oil, use one that doesn’t have a strong smell. Adding just enough fat to the rice cooker prevents the grains from sticking together and becoming mushy, ensuring they are shiny and moist. When you scoop the rice, the grains will be long, even, and delicious, without being mushy.

A bit of fat coating the rice grains helps prevent them from drying out. So, if you happen to have leftover cold rice until the afternoon, the rice won’t dry out and will last longer, as the layer of fat protects it from bacteria better.

Especially when adding a bit of fat to the rice, the rice grains taste better because they become slightly creamy and more tender. If you’re frugal and buy cheap dry rice, adding this bit of fat to cook it will make your rice dish as delicious as any other tender rice.

Add a little white vinegar

Use a little white vinegar when cooking rice. Vinegar helps prevent the rice from spoiling by fighting bacteria. It also enhances the aroma of the rice. And vinegar helps increase the amount of resistant starch in rice, which is better for those concerned about high blood sugar from rice.

When you often have leftover rice, the combination of vinegar and fat is a fantastic way to keep the rice tasty for a longer time. The reaction between vinegar and rice while cooking also makes your rice cooker smell better, especially when using apple cider vinegar.

Add a few salt grains when cooking rice

If you want firmer rice, you can add a few salt grains; the rice won’t be bland, especially with lower-quality rice, which lacks nutrients.


Place a piece of orange or lime peel on the rice cooker

When the rice cooker switches to the warm setting, let it sit for about 10 minutes, then open it and use a fork to fluff the rice evenly. At that point, drop a piece of orange or lime peel in and cover it back. When serving, the citrus oil will rise and make your rice cooker much more aromatic.

You should note to avoid opening the rice cooker right when it switches to warm. Wait at least 10 minutes to ensure the rice cooks evenly and thoroughly. If you open the rice cooker too soon, the rice might not cook evenly.

Additionally, for delicious rice, avoid letting the rice sit for too long in the cooker without fluffing it up. Leaving it too long causes the water on the surface to trickle down, making the rice mushy and difficult to fluff up, which looks less appetizing.

Try these tips, especially using fat/oil and vinegar. You’ll notice surprising benefits with your rice being tastier, fragrant, and the grains plump and shiny compared to the usual.