Backstreet Boys still thrill the ladies

These Backstreet Boys fans came down from San Francisco for Saturday night’s show at Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City.

Christian TV was the first of two opening acts for Backstreet Boys on Saturday night at Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City.

Boy band Mindless Behavior opened for Backstreet Boys on Saturday night at Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City.

Boy band Mindless Behavior opened for Backstreet Boys on Saturday night at Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City.

A young MC tells the Gibson Amphitheatre crowd to make some noise for Backstreet Boys before the group’s performance on Saturday night at Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City.

Backstreet Boys fans anxiously wait for Saturday night’s show to get underway at Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City.

From Huntington Beach, Adrienne Rothstein, left, Marina Rothstein and Brittany Eukovich were really excited about seeing the Backstreet Boys on Saturday at Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City.

Backstreet Boy A.J. McLean takes center stage during Saturday night’s Gibson Amphitheatre show in Universal City.

Backstreet Boys perform some cool moves during Saturday’s Gibson Amphitheatre show in Universal City.

Backstreet Boys brought out the hotties on Saturday at Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City.