Learn this kitchen tip: Squeeze lemon into the frying oil. It makes frying easier, and the food tastes exponentially better

If you are someone who often has to fry, learn this tip to ensure your frying will be easier and more delicious.
Frying creates attractive dishes because of the aroma and crunchiness that stimulates the taste buds. But the most worrying thing about frying for housewives is how to fry it crispy quickly and stay crispy for a long time and how to avoid the grease splashing out, causing heat and burns.

chao-dauSqueeze fresh lemon into the oil pan

Lemon is a great assistant when frying, so experienced chefs and housewives often squeeze lemon into the oil pan to help their fried dishes crisp up quickly and stay crispy longer.

There are several ways to use lemon for frying oil pans as follows:

– Cut a few lemon slices and drop them into the oil pan when the oil is hot, then use chopsticks to hold the lemon slices and rub around the pan. Avoid using sharp objects to rub the pan.

– Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into the oil pan before dropping the items to be fried into the pan.

Why is lemon effective in frying?

Lemon is acidic and foaming. Lemon is also a natural way to ferment dough when we don’t have yeast or modern foaming agents like we do now. Therefore, when you add lemon to the frying oil pan, it will help the fried food become crispier and more spongy, especially fried foods containing starch such as spring rolls and donuts.

Adding lemon to the oil pan also helps you save frying time, making the dish crispy and not watery and retains its crispness longer. Especially with fried foods containing starch such as fried noodles, fried spring rolls, puffed fried pho… when squeezing lemon into the frying pan, it will make the dish more spongy and the starch will swell quickly, making the dish delicious and beautiful. Vomiting takes longer. Putting lemon in the oil pan is assured that it will not cause bitterness but will also help you avoid splashing the oil out.

Add some flour to the oil pan

A little flour like wheat flour, tapioca starch, crispy fried flour… when put in a pan of oil also has the same effect as lemon juice. The flour will make it easier for you to fry without splashing oil. The dish is also crispier faster.

Please note that you only need to use a small spoon. Sprinkle the flour into the oil pan to help the flour absorb the wet water in the food so when frying there will be no grease splashed out, you don’t have to worry about burning your hands. And the appearance of starch in the oil pan makes your dish crispier and more fragrant.


Add a few grains of salt to the pan

You can also use it by adding a few grains of salt to the frying oil pan to make frying easier, helping to prevent grease splashes better.
Rub a few pieces of ginger in the bottom of the pan

Another way you can use is to slice a few slices of ginger and rub them around the pan to make frying easier.

Drop the banana leaf pieces into the oil pan

You can line the bottom of the pan with banana leaves and then put the food on the banana leaf to fry. Banana leaves help protect the pan, so you can fry anything without fear of sticking to the pan, especially when the pan is no longer non-stick. You will also see that this method is not afraid of splashing oil.

In addition, to fry food crispy and delicious, you especially need to pay attention to the following things:

Always dry the pan before adding oil

Adding oil to a pan that is not yet dry will cause more oil to splatter. Therefore, dry and heat the pan before pouring in the oil, but do not let the pan smoke or the oil will burn.

Wait until the oil is hot enough before frying to avoid overheating

It’s important that the oil is hot enough, because if it’s too hot it will burn. If it’s not hot enough, the food will absorb more oil, making it greasy and quickly drenched in oil. To measure the heat of the oil, dip your chopsticks into it and see bubbles around it. Don’t let the oil pan smoke.

If food is kept in the freezer, it must be defrosted before frying. Avoid frying food that hasn’t been fully defrosted as it will cook on the outside and continue to ooze juice from the inside, causing the food to break and become mushy and not crispy. Before frying, you should also absorb water if the dish has a lot of water on it.

Some dishes can be fried with 2 fires to make them crispier: for example, fried spring rolls, tofu, fried fish…

After frying, take it out and place it on oil-absorbing paper or a perforated tray to drain the oil.