Why do dogs often chase strangers?
There's always a reason!
1. Dogs ba.rk because they are experiencing something new
It may sound strange, but dogs bark because they are encountering new experiences. Some less friendly dogs will bark as soon as they meet strangers because there are too many new things about that person for them: such as a new scent, new behavior... For dogs, new things make them cautious and are perceived as potential threats.
2. Certain traits make dogs bark more easily
In fact, there are some human traits that make dogs more agitated:
When you wear accessories like a hooded hat or sunglasses: This reduces the dog's ability to observe your face, making them feel threatened.
If you have a lot of facial hair.
If you are tall and muscular, it can scare them.
Your voice is too deep and loud.
You point your fingers or stare directly into the dog's eyes.
You smoke in front of them. However, dogs are not bothered by the smell of shampoo, perfume, or deodorant...
3. Dogs protect their owners
Dogs are loyal animals, and by nature, they value their territory and tend to be highly protective of their owners. They often act aggressively towards strangers to safeguard their owner.
4. Dogs can sense a person's character
A dog's ability to see through a person's nature is an impressive trait. Some studies suggest that dogs can judge whether a person is trustworthy or not. This is because dogs are keen observers. They will watch and remember human actions for a long time, especially how others treat their owner.
5. Due to past bad experiences
During their life with humans, some dogs may carry negative memories. These memories form their defensive instincts. Therefore, if you resemble someone who caused them a bad memory, the dog will bark immediately.
6. How to prevent being bi.tten by a dog
To prevent being bitten by a dog, treat it kindly when it's still a puppy. As the owner, you should expose the dog to as many new scents, noises, and people as possible so that when it grows up, nothing surprises it. Owners can also train their dogs not to bark excessively when strangers come to the house, and don’t forget to reward them with their favorite treats when they behave correctly.
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