7 eat clean menus for 7 days
1. Breakfast menu 1
• 200ml ginger honey tea
• 1 fried egg with 2 slices of black bread served with lettuce and cucumber
2. Breakfast menu 2
• 1 bowl of vegetable oatmeal porridge with lean shoulder meat
• 150ml unsweetened almond milk
3. Breakfast menu 3
• 1 cup of warm water with honey and lemon
• 2 slices of pita bread served with 1 fried egg
• 200g salad (cucumber, lettuce, tomato) served with
4. Breakfast menu 4
• 100g pan-fried chicken breast
• 2 slices of black bread sandwich
• 1/3 avocado
5. Breakfast menu 5
• 1 small bowl of brown rice noodles with beef (100g) served with lettuce
6. Breakfast menu 6
• 2 boiled eggs
• 100g steamed sweet potatoes
7. Food breakfast menu 7
• 300ml celery juice for weight loss with apple
• 1 bowl of moringa vermicelli with minced lean meat including 50g moringa vermicelli, 100g minced lean meat, 1 tomato and raw vegetables, bean sprouts