8 natural ways to get rid of cockroaches from your home
Orange peels, sugar, cucumbers, etc. are extremely useful in chasing these terrible insects out of the house. Cockroaches are a nightmare for many women when cleaning the house. Not only are they dirty and have a scary shape, cockroaches are also very resilient insects. When they are hit or sprayed with pesticides, cockroaches are only sedated, and can come back to life after a dozen hours. So, if we rush to sweep them away, it is like "releasing a tiger into the forest". In addition, we cannot use a broom to hit them or stomp them, because the bacteria in the cockroaches will spread throughout the house. Killing cockroaches seems like a difficult job, but in fact, you can take advantage of the kitchen tools to return a house free of cockroaches.
Cockroaches are a nightmare for many people!
Effective ways to repel cockroaches
1. Cucumber
Place the top of a cucumber in the kitchen cupboard or food cabinet, and cockroaches will not dare to come near. If after a few days the smell of the cucumber is no longer the same as before, cut the cucumber lengthwise and continue to use it.
2. Onion
Cockroaches are most afraid of the pungent smell of onions. Put a plate of sliced onions on the food cabinet, and cockroaches will definitely have to move house immediately. Moreover, onions can also slow down the deterioration of food.
3. Perilla
To repel cockroaches, there is also a mixture of sugar and perilla. First, grind sugar and perilla into powder in a 1:1 ratio and place it where cockroaches often enter and exit. After 3-14 days, the cockroaches will disappear completely. This is the most commonly used cockroach killing secret of Americans.
4. Alum
Use hot water to dissolve the alum, then use a rag dipped in alum water to wipe the floor. When the floor is dry, the crystallized white alum will penetrate into the cracks of the floor. This method can avoid cockroaches and ants.
5. Orange peel, lemon peel:
Dry the orange peel and lemon peel, put them in the cupboard or cupboard, or dry the orange and lemon peel. Your house will not only have a pleasant aroma but can also effectively repel cockroaches.
How to kill cockroaches from the root
1. Laundry detergent
Dry detergent is effective in killing cockroaches, even better than many types of insecticides full of normal chemicals. Just sprinkle laundry detergent where cockroaches often appear, cockroaches will eat the laundry detergent and die.
2. Soap
Dissolve a piece of soap in 4 liters of hot water. Once the soap dissolves, pour it directly on the cockroaches, it will be effective, ensuring that the cockroaches will not wake up again.
3. Sugar
Put about 3 tablespoons of sugar in 1-2 jars, then dissolve it in water. Place the jar in areas where cockroaches are active, ensuring that they will be trapped and die.
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