Absolutely don't eat even if it is just a spice
People Who Should Avoid Eating Garlic
Although garlic offers numerous health benefits, not everyone should consume it. Here are some groups of people who should limit or avoid eating garlic:
1. People with Sto.mach Issues or Po.or Digestion
Garlic can irritate the stomach lining, especially for those suffering from gastritis, acid reflux (GERD), or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Eating raw garlic may cause heartburn, bloating, and indigestion.
2. People with Low Blo.od Pressure
Garlic has a blood pressure-lowering effect, so people with hypotension (low blo.od pressure) should avoid excessive consumption to prevent sudden drops in blood pressure, which can cause dizziness, fatigue, and weakness.
3. People Taking Blo.od Thinners
Garlic has anti.coagulant (blo.od-thinning) properties, meaning it can increase the risk of excessive bleeding. If you are taking medications like Warfarin or Aspirin, consuming too much garlic may lead to easy bruising or prolonged bleeding from wounds.
4. People with Liver Disease
Although garlic has anti-inflammatory effects, excessive consumption may ha.rm the liver, particularly in people with chronic liver disease or hepatitis.
5. People Preparing for Surgery
At least 1-2 weeks before surgery, it is advisable to reduce garlic intake, as it can increase the risk of excessive bleeding during and after surgery.
6. People with Eye Problems (Especially Weak Vision)
According to traditional medicine, consuming too much garlic may negatively impact eyesight and cause liver qi (energy) imbalance. People with existing eye conditions should limit their garlic intake, especially raw garlic.
7. Pre.gnant and Breastfeeding Wo.men
- During pregnancy, excessive garlic consumption can irritate the sto.mach and increase the risk of ble.eding.
- For breastfeeding mothers, garlic may alter the taste of breast milk, making infants fussy or reluctant to feed.
8. People Allergic to Garlic
Some individuals may have garlic allergies, experiencing symptoms such as itching, ra.shes, difficulty breathing, or sto.mach pain. If you notice these reactions, you should stop eating garlic immediately.
👉 Note: If you fall into any of these categories but still want to consume garlic for its health benefits, consult a doctor before adding it to your diet!
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