If you see these two symptoms on your skin, go see a lung specialist immediately.
Lung cancer occurs when cells divide uncontrollably in the lungs.
As the tumor grows, it can reduce the patient's ability to breathe. This disease can spread to other parts of the body and cause death.
Although lung cancer is dangerous, if detected early, the chance of survival is still much higher.
Therefore, it is very important to recognize the unusual and rare symptoms or signs of the disease, for early detection.
And there is a little-known warning sign that appears on the skin. That is an itchy or painful rash.
This is a little-known warning sign, so it is difficult to detect.
Studies have revealed that a person may be at risk of lung cancer if they suddenly develop an itchy and painful rash.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the rash is part of a rare inflammatory disease called polymyositis - characterized by muscle weakness and a distinctive rash on the skin.
A purple rash may appear on the face or eyelids and can be very painful.
As well as the rash, patients tend to experience gradual muscle weakness in the area around the hips, thighs, shoulders and arms.
Polymyositis in adults is associated with an increased risk of developing cancer, particularly cervical, lung, pancreatic, breast, ovarian and gastrointestinal cancers, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Other unusual signs of lung cancer
- Back pain
Back or shoulder pain is a very common symptom of lung cancer, usually caused by a tumour at the top of the lung.
These cancers develop in the upper part of the lung, and then spread to the ribs, nerves or spine. The patient may feel pain in the upper back, according to Express.
- Constipation
About 15% of all lung cancer patients have hypercalcemia - too much calcium in the body.
This condition often leads to stomach pain or nausea and the patient often does not want to eat or drink.
Constipation is another sign of hypercalcemia and can be linked to lung cancer.
In addition, typical symptoms of lung cancer include shortness of breath or a persistent cough.
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