Health 22/02/2025 22:21

Tofu is delicious and nutritious, but these 5 groups of people should not eat it

There isn’t any scientific or nutritional consensus that tofu should be off‐limits for a set of “5 groups” of people. In fact, tofu is generally considered a healthy, protein‐rich food for most diets.

That said, there are a couple of well‐recognized exceptions where caution is advised:

• Individuals with a soy allergy should avoid tofu because it is made from soybeans.
• People with specific thyroid conditions who are on thyroid medication might need to monitor their soy intake. (Soy can interfere with the absorption of thyroid medications in some cases, so timing and amounts might need adjustment.)

Beyond these considerations, many headlines or listicles that claim “5 groups” should not eat tofu tend to be oversimplifications or sensationalized takes on nutritional research. No reputable nutrition authority supports a blanket recommendation that tofu is unsuitable for any additional specific groups.

If you’ve come across an article with such claims, it’s a good idea to check its sources and compare the advice with guidance from trusted health organizations or a registered dietitian. For personalized advice—especially if you have a health condition—it’s best to consult a healthcare professional.

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