4 types of nuts
Nuts have long been known as healthy foods with abundant nutrients, containing lots of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. However, if eaten incorrectly or improperly, they can become "enemies" of health, especially the liver. Some nuts not only increase the burden on the liver but also pose the risk of liver cancer and other health problems. Therefore, stay away from or limit eating the following 4 types of nuts:
1. Moldy or sprouted nuts
Peanuts, corn, cashews or many other nuts, if moldy or sprouted under improper storage conditions, are at risk of aflatoxin contamination. This is a toxin that directly damages the liver and is classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a very dangerous carcinogen.
Aflatoxin is not completely destroyed even when cooked at high temperatures. Long-term consumption of aflatoxin can damage liver cells, leading to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. Moldy or germinated seeds can also contain enzymes that disrupt digestion and affect the intestines. Long-term consumption of this toxin not only damages the liver but also causes inflammation and impairs immune function.
2. Processed nuts contain a lot of fat and sugar
Processed nuts such as fried peanuts, honey-roasted cashews, or sugar-coated nuts are popular with many people because of their delicious taste. However, they often contain large amounts of fat, sugar, and preservatives, significantly reducing their natural nutritional value. You should eat them in moderation to protect your liver and overall health.
When consuming these nuts, the liver has to work overtime to metabolize excess fat and sugar. This leads to fatty liver, hepatitis, and increases the risk of cirrhosis or liver cancer. High calories from fats and sugars cause rapid weight gain, obesity, which in turn leads to cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
3. Some nuts contain natural toxins
Some nuts such as bitter almonds, raw cashews, or unprocessed walnuts contain cyanogenic glycosides, compounds that release cyanide when entering the body. While cyanide is a dangerous poison, it can cause liver damage if consumed over a long period of time. Cyanide can also damage the nervous system, leading to symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, or even seizures in severe poisoning.
In addition, some nuts contain phytotoxins, which are natural plant toxins that can cause nausea, diarrhea, or allergies if eaten in large quantities. The liver has to work harder to metabolize these toxins, leading to inflammation and damage to liver cells. If eaten in excess, cyanogenic glycosides can cause difficulty breathing and increase the risk of lung damage. So only use properly processed nuts and avoid eating them raw or under-processed.
4. Nuts with too much salt
Many nuts processed by adding a lot of salt are not good for your health if consumed in large amounts over a long period of time. Although they taste good, consuming too much salt not only increases the risk of high blood pressure but also puts a lot of pressure on the liver and kidneys.
Because the liver needs to coordinate with the kidneys to eliminate excess sodium. When the sodium level is too high, the liver has to work continuously, which can easily lead to hepatitis, cirrhosis and slow down the regeneration of liver cells. Eating too much salt also increases the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and heart failure. In addition, excess sodium causes water retention in the body, making you feel swollen and electrolyte imbalance. It is recommended to limit the consumption of nuts with high salt, especially for people with cardiovascular, kidney or liver disease.
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