9 benefits you need to know about drinking enough water every day
Forming a habit of drinking water regularly every day is the simplest thing that no one but you can do for yourself. Because, drinking enough water will bring the following health benefits:
- Helps lose weight: Because water does not contain calories and helps burn calories. According to research, drinking water 20 minutes before meals helps you feel less full and can eat less. Researchers also estimate that drinking 1 to 2 liters of water per day can increase energy consumption.
- Beautify the skin: Water absorbed into skin cells will improve elasticity and increase skin moisture.
Improve brain function: In the human brain, water accounts for about 80%, so drinking enough water is essential. Lack of water can affect our ability to concentrate and remember.
- Strengthen the body: Our body accounts for about 70% water, but muscle tissue contains up to 75%. You need to drink a lot of water when you want to have toned muscles.
- Aids digestion: In order for our bodies to absorb all the important nutrients, we need a strong digestive system. Water helps to increase the metabolism of food in the body and can help prevent constipation and other irregularities.
- Fights disease: Water can help reduce congestion, increase the elimination of harmful substances from the body and keep our bodies in better condition. This is also the first step in preventing many seasonal colds.
- Boosts mood: Dehydration can make us feel irritable and uncomfortable and this can cause serious problems with our mood.
- Reduces the risk of cancer: Water helps to keep cells clean and can help fight certain cancers, such as breast and colon cancer.
- Maintain healthy kidneys: The two kidneys in our body filter what is taken into the body. This internal organ requires plenty of clean water to be able to do its job.
So how much water do we need to drink each day? There are many different opinions on this issue.
Health authorities often recommend that adults drink 8 8-ounce glasses of water (1 ounce = 28.35 g), equivalent to about 2 liters of water per day, and drink it throughout the day. This is called the 8 × 8 rule, which is easy to remember.
According to Mr. Silke Restemeyer of the German DGE Consulting Association, the minimum amount of water you need to drink each day is 1 liter.
The US Department of Agriculture says we need to let our thirst guide us! Water is an important nutrient, but everyone's needs are different, depending on many different factors such as diet, physical condition, activity level and age.
Most of us get enough water from the food and drinks we consume during the day, such as coffee, tea, meat, fish, milk, vegetables and fruits...
If you are physically active, live, work or play in a hot environment or are older, you may need to increase your water intake to avoid dehydration.
However, we need to understand the recommendations for increasing water intake correctly. Drinking too much water (such as 4.5 liters per day) or drinking a large amount of water at once is extremely dangerous. Because, drinking more water than the body needs will overload the kidneys and can lead to water intoxication. At the same time, drinking too much water at once will cause the concentration of sodium in the blood to suddenly drop.
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