Paul Rudd Releases Hilarious PSA Asking Millennials To Wear Masks

Paul Rudd Releases Hilarious PSA Asking Millennials To Wear MasksFirst We Feast/Twitter

Adults’ attempts to be ‘down with the kids’ are typically more embarrassing than successful, but Paul Rudd’s Public Service Announcement (PSA) is too good to mock. 

It probably helps that Rudd has a role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, helping him earn greater respect from younger audiences, and that he doesn’t appear to have aged since he was about 20 so he has better chance of pulling off his role as a ‘millennial’.

The actor and ‘certified young person’ teamed up with First We Feast to help raise awareness about the importance of wearing face masks in a video in which he attempted to put his reasoning into terms all the young, hip people out there could understand.


Check it out here:

Rudd said he’d received an important call on his iPhone – you know, like the kids use? – from his ‘homie’ New York Governer Andrew Cuomo, who was ‘going off’ about how millennials need to wear masks.

He continued:


Get this, apparently a lot of COVID is transmitted by us millennials. No cap.

So Cuomo’s asked me, he’s like ‘Paul, you gotta help, what are you, like 26?’

And I didn’t correct him.

FaceApp Shows You What Paul Rudd Would Look Like AgedPA Images

To be clear, Rudd has bypassed the age of a ‘certified young person’, having turned 51 earlier this year. It just so happens that he has genetics that apparently allow his looks to evade the passing of time. Apparently only the FaceApp can age him.

Addressing the viewers, or ‘fam’, as he called them, he said it was time for some ‘real talk’ and described masks as ‘totally beast’.


Picking up a guitar, he added: ‘So slide that into your DMs and Twitch it’.

Paul Rudd’s PSAFirst We Feast/Twitter

His references might not have been very accurate, but he succeeded in getting the point across: wear a mask to protect yourself and others from catching and spreading coronavirus. While young people are typically less impacted by the virus, everyone reacts differently and it can have long-lasting or even fatal consequences.

Rudd’s PSA continued with a reference to his previous experience with First We Feast, in which he took on the Hot Ones challenge. This time, he and host Sean Evans attempted to chow down on chicken wings while wearing their masks.

AdvertPaul Rudd PSAFirst We Feast/Twitter

The Ant-Man star made one last millennial-themed attempt to get his point across by saying masks protect ‘you and your dank squad’, but he soon lost his cool as he shouted: ‘Just wear a mask! I shouldn’t have to make it fun! It’s science, ugh!’

I couldn’t have put it better myself.

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