Jay Park appears on Harper’s BAZAAR’s ‘Food Diaries’ and reveals what he eats in a day

Jay Park has appeared on the recent episode of Harper’s BAZZER‘s ‘Food Diaries‘ and shared about his culinary preferences.

The multi-talented artist also revealed interesting facts and preferences about his diet. Jay Park began with what he does when he first wakes up – drink water. He revealed that he wasn’t a coffee drinker previously and stated he had drunk Red Bull instead. However, at one point in his life, he realized he cannot go through with his day without coffee. His preference for coffee is black, usually iced, without any cream or sugar.

Being a Korean American, his diet is composed of various types of foods. He stated he had a chicken bake from Costco in the morning with some salad. He prefers to eat light and healthy in the mornings.

Jay Park stated that he usually doesn’t eat lunch, he usually eats brunch and dinner because of his schedule not being stuck to a typical 9-5.

He also revealed he actively avoids macadamia nuts because he is allergic.

He enjoys the culinary culture in Seoul since it has become a mecca for multi-cultural foods – Jay Park would be able to find various foods from all across the country in the city of Seoul.

You can watch Jay Park’s food diaries below:

Link nguồn : https://www.allkpop.com/article/2020/09/jay-park-appears-on-harpers-bazaars-food-diaries-and-reveals-what-he-eats-in-a-day