More Than Half Of People Say Co-Workers Are Their Closest Friends

More Than Half Of People Say Co-Workers Are Their Closest FriendsNBC Universal Television Distribution/Buena Vista Television

It has got to be said there’s a lot of perks that come with working from home. No commute, no expensive public transport, but bonus lunch time naps.


However, for many of us, the number one thing we’re missing is getting to spend time with our colleagues.

In fact, more than half of people have said their co-workers are their closest friends, which really makes not seeing them everyday feel like a slap in the face.

More Than Half Of People Say Co-Workers Are Their Closest FriendsParamount Pictures

It’s unsurprising that so many people form such strong bonds with colleagues; you spend around eight hours a day with them, have shared goals and probably the same enemy (usually the boss, or an annoying manager) and after work pints are the place where even the most private of co-workers spill their deepest, darkest secrets.


According  to Hampers, 52% of Brits would consider one or more of their colleagues as their closest mates.

The team spoke to more than 2,200 UK-based adults in full-time employment for their research, and found that it takes an average of eight months for a colleague to become a BFF, on the basis of working together day-in, day-out.

More Than Half Of People Say Co-Workers Are Their Closest FriendsPexels

Those Zoom calls really aren’t going to cut it, hey?

Just less than half (42%) of people said they socialise with their colleagues outside of work and four fifths feel that having a best friend at work contributes to their overall happiness within their job role.

Shout out to all my office homies; I miss you.

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